1. Get rid most of my bad habits. ***
  2. Lose weights & fats before 21st b'day.*** =x
  3. Exercise thrice a week!***
  4. Find a good job.***
  5. Be more filial.***
  6. Developing a disciplined lifestyle .**
  7. Living life to the fullest as much as possible.***
  8. Meet more new faces & more good friends!**
  9. Stop locking myself at home.* =(
  10. Read more books.*
  11. Be more sociable.**=P
  12. Be a Volunteer.** =)
  13. Be nicer and less mean.** =x

~When I found a job~

  1. Contribute to family expenses.***
  2. Treat Panda nice food when I got my first pay.***
  3. Save alot $$$ for many reasons!!!**
  4. Sign up for some new courses.**
  5. Start dressing up/ putting make up.*
  6. Travel to another country.*

~& more to come!!!~