Blogger is back!


LOL!! I Just went back to blogger site,
& everything seems to be back in normal again!~
Here's a post just to inform you guys I'm switching back to my old link k!~
But i'm not abandon this blog here just in case blogger is having problem again.

If u notice that I haven't update on my blogger's blog,
then you might want to come back here and tk a look.

Comments are closed.

    About Me

    Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.
    ~Oscar Wilde

    Joey/Jun~★.Status: Single/Attached
    Horoscope: Virgo~ ^^
    Email/Msn: [email protected]


    ♥ ~Family~ ♥
    ♥ ~My FrenS~ ♥
    ♥ ~SiNgiNg~ ♥
    ♥ ~Candles ♥
    ♥ ~SwT mEmoRieS~ ♥
    ♥ ~Stars~ ♥


    ★ Watch sun set & sun rise ★
    ★ ^A suitable Job!^ ★
    Go pulau ubin cycle!=D ★
    ★ .To LoVe n Be LovEd.=) ★
    ★ Healthy ★
    ★ SLIM down b4 Sept10! ★
    ★ Extra $$$$ lols! ★
    ★ ^Graduate frm MDIS!^ ★
    ★ Pretty!=x ★
    ★ Be a volunteer!=D ★
    Digi Cam!!!
    ★ .Go Travel w/ fren!

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