Hi guys, I'm back!~
Gotta Thank Uncle for driving all day long just to send us to JB custom!~
& Thanks my beloved cousins for being such a great host.
Though we haven't really have the time to shop,
but i guess we did enjoyed ourselves while reminiscing together.

The only imperfection that spoiled my mood - the scorching hot sun~!

But at the end of the day, it's still worth my time going over there despite of all complaints for the long journey and humid weather yea.

I'm sorry my friends, as I didn't manage to get any souvenir @ KL/ Malacca
since most of the time were spend for travelling.

But I still manage to get something for myself & ah da
during the last day while waiting for uncle to come back from Muar, 
Lucky you,AH DA!~

Well, didn't really have the mood to take pics but i still manage to snap some
during the wedding ceremony.
Shall update again when I'm in the mood. =x

PS. I've fun with ah da today, & "when in Rome" is worth your time watching it yea!~ 

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    About Me

    Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.
    ~Oscar Wilde

    Joey/Jun~★.Status: Single/Attached
    Horoscope: Virgo~ ^^
    Email/Msn: [email protected]


    ♥ ~Family~ ♥
    ♥ ~My FrenS~ ♥
    ♥ ~SiNgiNg~ ♥
    ♥ ~Candles ♥
    ♥ ~SwT mEmoRieS~ ♥
    ♥ ~Stars~ ♥


    ★ Watch sun set & sun rise ★
    ★ ^A suitable Job!^ ★
    Go pulau ubin cycle!=D ★
    ★ .To LoVe n Be LovEd.=) ★
    ★ Healthy ★
    ★ SLIM down b4 Sept10! ★
    ★ Extra $$$$ lols! ★
    ★ ^Graduate frm MDIS!^ ★
    ★ Pretty!=x ★
    ★ Be a volunteer!=D ★
    Digi Cam!!!
    ★ .Go Travel w/ fren!

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