The truth...


I went for my English test this early noon and 
spent my whole day there...
The place is at Kembanwan, luckily i managed to find a nearby bus stop which allows me to take 845 back to yishun..
From stop to stop, I actually passed by the stop whereby he used to accompany to wait for 854...
How he sang the song softly to me..
& yes, it's the bus stop near the place he is staying..
Lols...I definitely missed those days...
Like what I've always said, memories alway makes the best gift out of all.

Aside from that, I do miss the times with ah gie too...
I miss the time she carried me on her back,
I miss the time we chatted on the phone for long hours,
I miss the time we poured our heart to each other,
I miss the time when we promised each other to be best friend forever,
I miss the time where she would give in to me,
I miss the time where she wouldn't left me out for anything else,
I miss the time on how she stay with me through out my darkest period,
I miss the time where she wouldn't allow herself to say goodbye first before I do,
I miss everything about her in the past,

& if I've told you that I don't miss anything about her,
it's because I'm lying so as to hide about the cruel facts that time
has changed everything, 
the fact that we no longer can be like in the past,
the fact that we each has our own life to live with now,
the fact that we are no longer important to each other, 
& also to buried
the promises that have now broken into countless pieces
I'd lie to myself again.

Ps. It's not only the time with him & her I'm missing though... =) 

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    About Me

    Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.
    ~Oscar Wilde

    Joey/Jun~★.Status: Single/Attached
    Horoscope: Virgo~ ^^
    Email/Msn: [email protected]


    ♥ ~Family~ ♥
    ♥ ~My FrenS~ ♥
    ♥ ~SiNgiNg~ ♥
    ♥ ~Candles ♥
    ♥ ~SwT mEmoRieS~ ♥
    ♥ ~Stars~ ♥


    ★ Watch sun set & sun rise ★
    ★ ^A suitable Job!^ ★
    Go pulau ubin cycle!=D ★
    ★ .To LoVe n Be LovEd.=) ★
    ★ Healthy ★
    ★ SLIM down b4 Sept10! ★
    ★ Extra $$$$ lols! ★
    ★ ^Graduate frm MDIS!^ ★
    ★ Pretty!=x ★
    ★ Be a volunteer!=D ★
    Digi Cam!!!
    ★ .Go Travel w/ fren!

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