Yes, I wanted to blog very much on
what happened during my trip to Malacca in my blogger,
but I can't due to some technical problem.
Yes, this is my new journal for the time being (I hope)
as I'm still holding some hopes that I will be able to blog in my
Blogger soon. =(
Anyway, this problem started before the day i left SG till now,
I'm so not use to my new blog, not to mention my friends. =(

Okay, enough of my whining.
Just a little updates on what happened during the past few days.
I got the chance to get in touch with one of my cousin after 13 years later,
 we used
to call him Long Long, but his name is Gary Ho Jun Jie.
I only got to know his real name until now.
No awkward,  or any other weird feelings.

But it does feel good to see someone you
played with, fought with, laughed with during your childhood days.
This trip wasn't a trip for my cousin's wedding, but
also a trip that brought me back to my childhood's family.

I supposed those memories must have been buried so deeply in my sub-conscious
for long that I actually have a hard time recalling them.
When ever people asked me about my childhood,
"I don't remember" was the only answer I had for them.

But now, those memories were called back during the trip.
My aunties and uncle brought back those childhood memories to me.
Ha... I shall upload the pics when I'm back from KL.

PS. Ah da, your chocolate cake is good. I liked it. ^^

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    About Me

    Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.
    ~Oscar Wilde

    Joey/Jun~★.Status: Single/Attached
    Horoscope: Virgo~ ^^
    Email/Msn: [email protected]


    ♥ ~Family~ ♥
    ♥ ~My FrenS~ ♥
    ♥ ~SiNgiNg~ ♥
    ♥ ~Candles ♥
    ♥ ~SwT mEmoRieS~ ♥
    ♥ ~Stars~ ♥


    ★ Watch sun set & sun rise ★
    ★ ^A suitable Job!^ ★
    Go pulau ubin cycle!=D ★
    ★ .To LoVe n Be LovEd.=) ★
    ★ Healthy ★
    ★ SLIM down b4 Sept10! ★
    ★ Extra $$$$ lols! ★
    ★ ^Graduate frm MDIS!^ ★
    ★ Pretty!=x ★
    ★ Be a volunteer!=D ★
    Digi Cam!!!
    ★ .Go Travel w/ fren!

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